Regulations Governing the Inter-Provincial Quarantine on All Plants of the Genus Musa, in Order to Prevent the Spread of Abaca Diseases known as Buchy-Top Including Heart Rot, Mosaic, Wilt (Vascular Disease) and Bacterial Leaf Streak: Providing Measures for the Destruction of All Infected Plants, Hills, or Clumps and Revoking Bureau of Agriculture Administrative Order Nos. 38 and 51.

(Revised) Regulating the Importation of Cacao Plants and Parts Thereof, such as Fresh Cacao Beans, Pods or Budsticks, etc., Particularly of the Forastero and Trinitario Types of Cacao Including their Hybirds from West Africa, Colombia, Ceylon, etc. in Order to Prevent the Introduction into the Philippines of Cacao Disease and Pests Known as the Swollen Shoot Virus, Witches Broom (Marasmius perniciosus), Virus Disease, etc. Except for Certain Purposes and Under Certain Conditions, and Prohibiting the Movement of the Said Types of Cacao from Luzon to the Visayan Islands and Mindanao

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(Revised) Regulations Governing the Importation, Bringing or Introduction into the Philippines of Living Animals such as Insects, Birds, Crustaceans, Bats, Mollusks, Reptiles, Mammals and Other Animals not Falling within the Scope of the Term "Domestic Animals" as Provided and Defined in Section 4 of Act No. 3639, in Order to Protect the Agricultural Industries of this Country

Download this file (Administrative Order No. 07 S1957.pdf)Administrative Order No. 07 S1957.pdf[ ]4164 kB
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