Whats New?
Temporary ban on the Importation of FMD-susceptible animals, their products and by-products ori...
Lifting the temporary ban on the Importation of Live Cattle, Meat and Meat products derived fro...
Rules and Regulations for the Research and Development, Handling and Use, Transboundary movemen...
Temporary ban on the importation of domestic and wild birds and their products including Poultr...
Temporary ban on the importation of domestic and wild birds and their products including Poultr...
Temporary suspension of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) import clearance for domestic and wild...
Temporary ban on the importation of domestic and wild birds and their products including Poultr...
Temporary ban on the importation of domestic and wild pigs and their products including Pork Me...
Lifting the temporary ban on the Importation of Live Cattle, Meat and Meat products and Bovine ...
Lifting the temporary ban on the Importation of Live Cattle, Meat and Meat products and Bovine ...
Regulating the Importation of Rubber (Hevea sp.) Plants and Parts Thereof Such As Seeds, Stumps, Budsticks, Etc., from South American Leaf Blight (SALB) Endemic Countries in Order to Prevent the Introduction into the Philippines, the South American Leaf Blight of Rubber, a Disease Caused by Mycrocyclus ulei syn, Dothidella ulei, Except for Certain Purposes and Under Certain Conditions